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A group of guys who love what they do and do what they love. Each NVAIN show is entertaining
and different. Never stale. The lead singer, Ben Horton has stated "We may not be the best
band at the show, but we will be the drunkest". NVAIN is a band that defies classification. Influences
of Southern rock, rap, metal and almost every other label find their way into their songs. Original and paving the way for the next generation.

This band is impressive from the start. PMK's music doesn't grow on you, it hits you in the face full force. The band's energy is enough to cause an adrenaline overload. The newest line up comprises new members and returning members with the dedicated main stays. Mouthful? yeah. Earful? definitely. The future is now. Now is your chance to say you listened before they broke into the big time.

Meth' Sessions comes from Greenville, SC and is one of the most intense bands you'll ever get to experience. Music comprised of raw aggression and primal rage. Fury at it's finest. The talent and experience of the trio is years ahead of the rest. Don't let the fact that the lead singer is a chick make you think they aren't one of the hardest bands out there. Hardcore music has a new standard set by Meth' Sessions.

The Uwharries is the birthplace of what became Niro. Quickly gaining a great following and becoming the "buzz" of local music. I first heard of them from other local bands and had to see what it was that had people talking. More proof that there are unsigned bands waiting for the major labels to "discover" what the rest of us already know. Hear them or hear about them.

Oxygen Thieves is a band I first noticed a few years back and is a group you either like or haven't heard yet. Music that defies you to keep your head still. Refreshing to know that metal is constantly evolving into next great thing. The name of the band says it best-Oxygen Thieves, because they will leave you breathless. There is no comparison. They'll be around for a long time.

What do you get when teens don't discover metal but are raised in it? Trust/Kill Pride. It  isn't for the weak of heart, young to the world but not to mayhem. Music like this is one of the reasons there is a pit. When people ask about what is wrong with the youth of today, you know they are speaking of Trust/Kill Pride. A modern day sound track to the Omen with a not so happy ending.